What Time is Left
What Time is left
Duration: 6:38
Instrumentation: Choral (SSAATTBB), Live Electronics
Technical Specifications: .wav 48kHz stereo audio, HD 1080p video
Year: 2020
Performer: Soundstreams Ensemble 2021, Conductor: Gregory Oh
Created for Pro Coro Canada as part of the CLC's 2020 PIVOT Program, 'What Time Is Left' is a commentary on the dangerous and unprecedented times we live in at the beginning of the 21st century, as we battle a human-created climate crisis threatening all life on this planet. When I began writing this piece, I knew I wanted to capture some of the anger, sadness and frustration a large percentage of the world's population expressed through mass demonstrations in 2019, protesting the inaction of our leaders to effectively deal with the climate crisis.
I sought to accurately capture my own feelings of dread, and despair around the crisis, but also my feelings of hope that we can turn it around, and build a better future together.