Grand Scale
Grand Scale
Duration: 6:51
Instrumentation: Choral (SATB), Piano, Percussion
Technical Specifications: .wav 48kHz stereo audio, HD 1080p video
Performer: University of Toronto Treble Ensemble, Conductor: Elaine Choi
Original Poetry: Terese Mason Pierre
Year: 2022
In 2022, almost 80 percent of North Americans can no longer see the night sky. Artificial light from cities has created a permanent skyglow at night, obscuring our view of the stars, and the full wonder of the Milky Way Galaxy.
In addition to losing access to the night sky, light pollution is intrinsically linked with energy waste, sleep disorders, and animal and insect disruption. The artificial light from our cities and highways confuses birds and other migrating species, and disrupts insect mating cycles, migration routes, and behaviour patterns across the planet, with scientists noticing an 76% reduction in insect populations in highly developed areas over the last 30 years.
This is the disappearing night — the loss of both the darkness itself, and the many creatures of this planet that call the night their home. Ultimately, it is loss of the grand scale of this wondrous universe.