A Un Hombre De Gran Nariz
A Un Hombre De Gran Nariz
Duration: 03:38
Instrumentation: Choral (TTBB)
Technical Specifications: .wav 48kHz stereo audio
Performer: University of Toronto Men’s Chorus, Conductor: Mark Ramsay
Year: 2017
When I started this piece in 2017, I was determined to try something a little different. There was so much serious choral music out there, including my own, that I decided to write something a little humorous.
Spanish speakers will notice that the title translates as: “To a Man with a Large Nose’. This 16th century poem by the Spanish poet Franciso Villegas, was written about his literary rival at the time, the poet Luis de Gongóra, and comments on the many facets of his oversized nose.
Composed in a Latin-American style and meant to be sung with energy and humour, to reflect the poem.
Érase el espolón de una galera,
Érase una pirámide de Egito,
Los doce tribus de narices era;
Érase un naricísimo infinito,
Frisón archinariz, caratulera,
Sabañón garrafal morado y frito.
Érase un hombre a una nariz pegado,
Érase una nariz superlativa,
Érase una alquitara medio viva,
Érase un peje espada mal barbado;
Era un reloj de sol mal encarado.
Érase un elefante boca arriba,
Érase una nariz sayón y escriba,
Un Ovidio Nasón mal narigado.